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Finding mistakes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two mistakes: Samantha said that she don't know the answers to the test
Three mistakes: The soda was so refreshing that I drinked it in under a minute then I bought another soda.
The soda was so refreshing that I drank it in under a minute. Then I bought another soda.
She told me that yelow was her favorite color, so I was surprised that she preferred the red flowers.
She told me that yellow was her favorite color, so I was surprised that she preferred the red flowers.
Terrell wasnt sure about the plan, so he called Martha to ask.
Terrell wasn't sure about the plan, so he called Martha to ask.
The stars were shining throughout the night
The stars were shining throughout the night.
I was born in boston, but then I moved to another city when i was just two years old.
I was born in Boston, but then I moved to another city when i was just two years old.
"Please don't be so imature, Roberta. You should grow up!"
Please don't be so immature, Roberta. You should grow up!"
Hank thinks the restaurant has many great choices, but Angela doesn't like nothing on the menu.
Hank thinks the restaurant has many great choices, but Angela doesn't like anything on the menu.
Me and Becky talked about the book after lunch.
Becky and I talked the book after lunch.
I liked the part of the story about da earthquake.
I liked the part of the story about the earthquake.
The dog took a nap I waited for it to wake up.
The dog took a nap. I waited for it to wake up.
The boy named todd went to school.
The boy named Todd went to school.