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Empower B1 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I won't go to the lesson, I miss something. (correct)
If I don't go to the lesson, I might miss something.
I go on holiday later if my boss will let me. (correct the mistakes)I
I'm going to go on holiday later if my boss lets me.
___________ round for coffee tomorrow if you've got time.
This is fun. Why don't you ___________ in?
Ms. Robson isn't here at the moment, but I can __________ on a message.
He got offered a great job, but he _____________ it down.
We don't really ____________ like going out this evening.
I was sorry to hear that Sara and Michael have ____________ up.
Can you ______ after my bag while i go and get a ticket?
It was cold inside, so he _____________.
kept his coat on.
keep on his coat.
tried his coat on.
try on his coat.
I asked him to be quiet, but he ____________ talking.
kept on
carry on
go on
got on with
I _____________ the trousers, but they weren't very comfortable.
tried on
take on
keep on
put on
I don't know if I can _____________ living in this flat.
go on
carried on
move on
stay on
It was sunny, so he ___________ his sunglasses.
put on
put in
get on
take on
Louise can't go out tonight. She really needs to g__ o__ w___ her essay.
get on with
He was really tired, but he c________ o__ jogging.
carried on
They don't have __________________ kinds of bread in this shop.
a few
too many
We don't have ________________ to buy it.
enough money
money enough
a few money
a bit of money
It was a great concert - there were _________ fans in the crowd.
a lot of
too many
too much
We had ________ time before our flight to look round the duty free.
a bit of
a few
It's not ___________________ to sit outside.
warm enough
enough warm
too warm
more warm
I can't work here. There's ________ noise.
too much
too many
If I _________ (find) $10,000, I __________ (keep) it.
found, would keep
They thought it was a modern painting. _________, after some tests, they found that it was much older.
By chance
As expected
They wanted to build a house there, but _______________ someone told them about the plan to build an airport.
as expected
The money was found ____________ by an old man while he was looking for a book.
by chance
on purpose
by fortune
We thought our product was probably too expensive, and _________ it wasn't successful.
as expected
on purpose
I _________ broke your mug - I'm really sorry.
The film is about _______ group of criminals in ______ USA.
a, the
It was _______ great story. I think it's probably _______ best crime film I've every seen.
a, the
I saw ____________ brilliant film last week.
people/ the/ these/ ancient/ city/ the/ discovered
These were the people who discovered the ancient city.
The/ sell/ that/ delicious/ shop/ bread/ this/ they (relative pronoun/ re-arrange)
This is the shop where they sell that delicious bread.
The/ place/ this/ found/ the statue/ they.
This is the place where they found the statue.
That/ the machine/ makes the screens for the computers.
That's the machine that makes the screens for the computers.
He/ the man/ invented the colour TV. (realtive clause)
He was the man who invented the colour TV.
My brother and I are only two years _________, so we played together all the time when we were little.
apart in age
of a similar age
old age
___________, I never used a computer for homework. I wrote everything by hand.
At your age
Early twenties
Old age
About my age
Mozart started to write music _________- he was only five years old.
at an early age.
at my age.
about my age.
apart in age.
John looks much older than Martin, but surprisingly they're ____________________
of a similar age.
old age.
middle aged.
at an early age.
'Michele got a great new job,' He said _________________________________
He said Michele had got a great new job.
'I'm seeing Sarah later.' She said ____________________
She said she was seeing Sarah later.
'We can't leave the party.' He said __________________________________
He said they couldn't leave the party.
There was a goat that (look after) a farmer for five days. The farmer (fall) over and he (not walk).
looked after, had fallen, couldn't walk/ was not able to walk
He was swimming and he __________ a dolphin next to him.
was seeing
had seen
____________________ the story about the man who was almost attacked by a shark yesterday?
Did you read
Have you read
Had you read
Do you read
I (be) tired, because I (work) so hard the day before.
was, had worked
It (snow) last night and some of the roads (close).
had snowed, were closed.
When I (see) the questions in the exam, I realised I (revised) the wrong things.
saw, had revised
The man (run) away by the time the police (get) there. They couldn't catch him.
had run, got
I (arrive) late for my flight last month, because I (write) the wrong date in my diary.
arrived, had written