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M1 Global Citizen Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you eat in Penang?
(let your teacher decide if your answer is correct)
What can you do in Penang?
(let your teacher decide if your answer is correct)
What colours are the Malaysian flag?
Red, white, blue and yellow.
What country is Penang in?
What colours are the Greek flag?
Blue and white.
What colours are the Colombian flag?
Yellow, blue and red.
What colours are the Dutch flag?
Red, white and blue.
What colours are the Cambodian flag?
Red and blue.
What colours are the Spanish flag?
Red and yellow.
What can you eat in Santorini?
Stifado --OR-- Moussaka --OR-- Tiropita
What can you eat in Cartagena?
Arepas --OR-- Pan de bono
What can you eat in Amsterdam?
Hagelslag --OR-- Kroket --OR-- Poffertjes
What can you eat in Siem Reap?
Lok lak --OR-- Kangkep baob
What can you eat in Madrid?
Tortilla de patatas --OR-- Paella
What can you do in Santorini?
Hike to Skaros Rock --OR-- Watch the sunset
What can you do in Cartagena?
Climb San Felipe Castle --OR-- Stay in a floating hostel.
What can you do in Amsterdam?
Go on a canal cruise --OR-- Visit Anne Frank's house
What can you do in Siem Reap?
Ride a tuk tuk --OR-- Explore the Angkor Temples
What can you do in Madrid?
Play in Retiro Park --OR-- Visit the Plaza del Sol
Name a city in Greece.
Name a city in Colombia.
Name a city in Holland.
Name a city in Cambodia.
Siem Reap
Name a city in Spain.
What country is Santorini in?
What country is Cartagena in?
What country is Amsterdam in?
What country is Siem Reap in?
What country is Madrid in?