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Blizzard Of The Blue Moon Vocabulary Quiz Chapte ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of these words is a synonym for 'drowsy'?
What is this?
A tapestry
A carpet
A chimney
A newspaper
If you 'restore' something, do you make an old thing like new, or do you buy something new?
You make an old thing like new.
If you are stuck, can you move?
No, you can't.
If you 'can't afford' something do you have enough money to buy it or not?
You have enough money to buy it.
Is the duck using a seatbelt or a cushion to stay safe?
It's using a seatbelt.
If something is 'roomy' is it big or small?
It's big.
If you are drowsy, how do you feel?
Like a duck
How can you describe this flag?
What is she wearing?
A shawl
A shoe
A hat
A saucepan
What is this?
A turnstile
A turkey
A door
A ticket
If your clothes are 'ragged' are they new or old?
They are old.
If something is 'torn' is it broken apart by pulling or is it made of paper?
It's broken apart by pulling.
During a lull in a storm, is the wind strong or gentle?
The wind is gentle.
Is a snow drift a snow storm or a pile of snow blown by the wind?
It's a pile of snow blown by the wind.