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Buildings & Places

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the opposite of living near to your school?
living far from your school
What's the opposite of a quiet neighbourhood?
a noisy neighbourhood
What's the opposite of a cheap shop?
an expensive shop
What's the opposite of a safe road?
a dangerous road
What's the opposite of an interesting city?
a boring city
What's the opposite of a lively town?
a dull down
What's the opposite of an ugly park?
a beautiful park
Whats the opposite of a clean city?
a dirty city
What's the opposite of old buildings?
modern buildings
What's the opposite of low buildings?
high buildings
What's the opposite of a narrow street?
a wide street
What's the opposite of crowded?
Our town has a ______ where teenagers can go to hang out and play games.
youth club
I have to go to the ______ to sign some documents.
town hall
It's my dream to play in a ______ one day.
The ______ in my neighbourhood is great, it has a pool, gym, football pitch and tennis courts.
sports centre
If you want to go to lots of different shops the best option is a ______ like Carrefour La Sierra.
shopping centre
The Eiffel Tower is by far the most famous ______ is Paris.
I prefer to buy fruit and vegetables at the ________.
I'm going to study in the _____ this afternoon and borrow a book to read at the weekend.
He's dancing in front of the ________.
This _______ makes cars.
She wants to work in a __________ like Harrods or El Corte Inglés.
department store
She goes to the ______ every Friday evening.
Tower ______ is in London.
I want to buy a new book so I'm going to the _____ after school.
book shop
If you want to see some beautiful paintings you should go to the ________.
art gallery