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Christmas Conversation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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2022 news: How long had Queen Elizabeth II ruled when she passed away in September?
70 years
60 years
50 years
2022 news: Which social media company die Elon Musk buy?
Tik Tok
2022 news: Who was the highest paid sports star?
Lionel Messi
Christiano Ronaldo
Kylian Mbappe
2022 news: Which two countries played in the footbal World Cup final?
France and Argentina
Morocco and Argentina
Croatia and Argentina
2022 news: Which country won the Winter Olympics in China?
the United States
2022 news: Which singer held all top 10 hits, #1-10,  on the Hot 100?
Taylor Swift
Ed Sheeran
The Weeknd
2022 news: What was the biggest film?
Avatar The Way of Water
Top Gun Maverick
Jurassic World Dominion
2022 news: Who was the most streamed music star?
Bad Bunny
Billie Eilish
2022 news: The world's population reached...
8 billion people
7 billion people
9 billion people
2022 news: What happened to the Mona Lisa?
It was smeared with cake.
It was stolen.
It was bought for $250 million.
What was the best Christmas/NY present you got this year?
What was the most memorable thing about this holiday?
What do you dislike about Christmas?
Who did you have the best time with this Christmas?
Who did you give Christmas presents to this year?
Who in your family enjoyed Christmas the most? Why?
What was the most fun you had over the holidays? 
What special food did you enjoy over the holidays? 
How did you spend New Year's Eve?
When did your family open the presents?
What was the best Christmas present you received this year?
What were some yummy foods or snacks you had for Christmas?
How long do you keep your Christmas tree up after Christmas?
Where did you go over the holidays? Did you travel to another city or the countryside?
Where did you spend last Christmas? What did you do?