Edit Game
345 Grammar 1 Unit 22

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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뛰지 마.
Don't run.
너의 책을 덮으세요.
Close your book.
너의 책을 펴세요.
Open your book.
Let's play soccer. 부정문
Let's not play soccer.
Don't/ chocolate/ eat
Don't eat chocolate.
your shoes/ Wash
Wash your shoes.
the TV/ Don't/ turn on
Don't run on the TV.
___ she ___ a cat? No, she doesn't. (have)
Does, have
___ Lisa ___ Chinese? Yes, she can. (read)
Can, read
play/ Let's/ . / baseball
Let's play baseball.
listen to/ music/ Let's/ .
Let's listen to music.
Let's/ ride/ not/ a bike/ .
Let's not ride a bike.
___ I ____ the piano? No, you may not.
May, play
Sue ____ orange juice. (like)
What (is/ are/ do/ does) she drink after lunch? She drinks tea.
(Who/ Whose/ Where/ How) are the socks? They're on the sofa.
(What/ Who/ Where/ How) is your dad? He's fine.
Let's eat ice cream. (부정문)
Let's not eat ice cream.
Don't wash your hands. (긍정문)
Wash your hands.
Touch the pot. 부정문으로
Don't touch the pot.