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Blizzard Of The Blue Moon Vocabulary Quiz Chapte ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is 'nightfall' the same as sunrise or sunset?
It's the same as sunset.
If you 'shiver' you are __________.
If you 'wander' do you walk away from somewhere or walk towards it?
You walk away from somewhere.
If something is 'old-fashioned' is it like something new, or like something old?
It's like something old.
If you 'follow' someone, do they go first, or you do you first?
They go first.
If something is 'vast' is it very big or very small?
It's very big.
If something 'borders' a place, is it right next to it, or in front of it?
It's right next to it.
If you 'trudge' do you run lightly and easily or walk heavily and a bit slowly?
You walk heavily and a bit slowly.
Is something 'on public display' in a place where people can see it easily, or hidden in a safe place?
It's in a place where people can see it.
If you are 'under a spell' someone ___________.
controls you
gives you magic powers
buys you a hamburger
does your homework for you
If you 'treasure' something you ________.
love it and take good care of it
think it is a bit boring
are happy because it is very shiny
want to play with it
If you have to 'coax' something, is it likely to be a bit scared or very excited?
It's likely to be a bit scared.
If you use something wisely are you
careful and thoughtful
wild and crazy
lazy but careful
funny, but sad
Is the black part of this video a ___________.
chocolate ice cream
silly person