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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are not Professor Parker, _________ you?
Because the haunted house is _______, the children are scared to enter the abandoned building alone. A) enjoyable B) fortune C) spooky D) sceptical
It was a _______ sensation; I was moving like walking in water but I had no sense of my own body. A) coincidence B) weird C) crazy D) hopeful
They remained openly _______ about her promises of improvement.   A) enjoyable  B) fortune  C) spooky  D) sceptical
The weather forecast was _______ —it rained all day! A) coincidence B) sceptical C) spot on D) worried
spot on
I suppose I am very _______ nothing really phases me. A) laid back B) spot on C) spooky D) weird
laid back
A: You didn't lock the door. B: I _______ lock the door.
A: I won't say anything. B: Neither _______ I.
A: Is it OK if we stay tonight? B: Yes, it _______ .
I love cheese, but my husband _______. He hates it.
A: You didn't do the dishes last night. B: I_________ do the dishes; these aren't the dishes from last night.
A: Were they living in London when he got the job overseas? B: Yes, they _________.
A: I used to play rugby when I was younger. B:_________ you? I didn't know that about you.
A: We should finish before we leave,_________ we? B: Yes, we can't leave until we finish.
A: Jae wants to buy a new house but Mike _________.
A: She doesn't eat meat; I think she is a vegetarian? B: She _________ eat meat, but not very often.
A: I had very good marks this term. B: _________ you? That's great!
A: I've never seen anything like this before. B: Neither _________ I.