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Black Friday

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false? Black Friday is the start of the Holiday Season
Yes, it is. People can buy Christmas decorations too.
Is Black Friday only popular in USA?
No, other countries are taking part in the event.
What was the other possible name for Black Friday?
Big Friday
Why is it called "Black Friday"?
Because there is a lot of traffic that day
True or false? The name "Black Friday" was created in New York City
False. It was created in Philadelphia
Why are Black Fridays sometimes dangerous?
Because people get violent.
True or false? Stores only have some items with low prices.
Do stores open their doors at midnight or in the morning?
In the morning.
True or false? Black Friday is the busiest shopping day since 1999
False. Since 2005
When does Black Friday start?
The day after thanksgiving