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Indefinite Pronouns and relative clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Vocabulary) "If you _______________, you do not realize or show that you are grateful for how much you get from a situation or a person"
take something for granted
(Vocabulary) "to try"
to attempt
(Vocabulary) "to destroy a building"
(Vocabulary) "a particular part or quality of someone that is not good"
(Vocabulary) "the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way"
common sense
(Vocabulary) "to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid"
(Vocabulary) "a floor or level of a building"
We saw the art exhibition. It received excellent reviews from the critics.
We saw the art exhibition which received excellent reviews from the critics.
Freddie Mercury died in 1992. He was a famous singer.
Freddie Mercury, who was a famous singer, died in 1992.
Jeannette is going to marry a man. His brother is in my class.
Jeannette is going to marry a man whose brother is in my class.
Can me omit the relative pronoun? "These are the books which David lent me"
Can me omit the relative pronoun? "Those are the boys who I told you about"
Can me omit the relative pronoun? "That's the old lady who inherited a fortune"
That book collection is really interesting. It's about a young witch.
That book collection, which is about a young witch, is really interesting.
My neighbour looks very sad. Her husband died last month
My neighbour, whose husband died last month, looks very sad
William lost his wallet in the supermarket. He's very absent-minded.(despistado)
William, who is very absent-minded, lost his wallet in the supermarket
The girl bought two tickets. She was standing in front of me.
The girl who was standing in front of me bought two tickets
That's the shop. I bought my TV in that shop.
That's the shop where I bought my TV.
The octopus is the only animal. It has three hearts.
The octopus is the only animal which has three hearts.
He lost the money. I have given him the money.
He lost the money that/which I have given him.
This is the wallet. Lucy found the wallet in the garden.
This is the wallet that/which Lucy found in the garden.
’Do you know ______________ who lives in Tokyo?’ ’Yes, I have a few friends there.’
______________ broke the window. I think it was my friend Davy....
The house is empty. _________________ lives there.
No one
I want _______________ to read. I’m going to buy a magazine.
I don’t like this place. There’s _____________ to go.
’What did you have to eat?’ ’I ate ________________. I wasn’t hungry.
I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them _________________.
Tom lives ________________ near Toronto.
I’m bored. I don’t have _____________________ to do.
They live __________________ in the south of Spain.
We don’t go out very much, because there’s ____________________ to go
It’s a secret. Don’t tell _________________.
’What are you doing here? ’ ’I’m waiting for _______________, my mom will return in 5 minutes’
Did you go _______________ interesting for your vacation?
She said ______________, but I didn’t understand her.
I’m lonely since everyone in my family is gone. I have ____________________ to talk to.
no one
This bag is empty, there isn’t _______________ in it.