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Give a Compliment

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What compliment can you give this person?
Great moves!
What compliment can you give this person?
Wow that was amazing!
What compliment can you give this person?
That was incredible!
What compliment can you give this person?
What compliment can you give this person?
Great painting!
What compliment can you give this person?
Great shot!
What compliment can you give this person?
Nice haircut!
What compliment can you give this person?
Great moves!
What compliment can you give this person?
What a goal!
What compliment can you give this person?
Cool glasses!
What compliment can you give this person?
What a cake!
What compliment can you give this person?
So clever!
What compliment can you give this person?
Nice shoes!
What compliment can you give this person?
That looks delicious!
What compliment can you give this person?
Nice hat!
What compliment can you give this person?
Great outfit!
What compliment can you give this person?
How clever!
What compliment can you give this person?
Wow that was cool!
What compliment can you give this person?
Well done!
What compliment can you give this person?
Cool nails!
What compliment can you give this person?
Great hat!
What can you say to this person?
Bad luck!
What compliment can you give this person?
What compliment can you give this dog?
How clever!
What compliment can you give this person?
Well done!
What compliment can you give this person?
Great Halloween idea
What compliment can you give this person?
Nice boots!
What compliment can you give this person?