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past perfect teens fce level

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I_________(paint) one wall when Iran out of paint
had painted
It wasn't until got home that I noticed that I _______________(wear) odd socks all day.
had been wearing
It was only after I _____(post) the parcel that I realised I________ (forget) to put my address on the back of it.
posted, had forgotten
As soon as I tasted the curry, I realised I______________ (leave) the garlic out
hadn't left
Luckily, the band ____________(not start) playing when we ________(reach) our seats.
hadn't started, reached
When the doctor eventually_________(call) my name I ___________(wait)for 40 minutes.
called, had been waiting
After he ______(wash) his clothes, he __________(hang) them outside to dry
had washed (washed), hung
When I _____(go) into the room, everyone _____(stop) talking and ____(look) at me
went, stopped, looked
I_____(drive) for about 4 hours when I__________ (realise) that I was completely lost
had been driving, realised
I_____________(not see) Lisa when I went round last night because she_______ (go) to stay with her grandmother
didn't see, had gone
How long _________ (you/apply) for jobs when you (get) this one?
had you been applying, got
We were held up in a traffic jam so the concert _______(begin) by the time we (arrive)
had begun, arrived
When Martin_______(came) into the room , his mother nearly _______ (faint) because she ________(not see) him for nearly 20 years
came, fainted, hadn't seen
I ___________ (never ride) a bike until I _____to live in Amsterdam
had never ridden , went