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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What football teams play on thanksgiving this year?
Vikings and Patriots
The number of turkeys are consumed every year at Thanksgiving. 460 million 4.6 million 46 million
46 million
Where was the first Thanksgiving?
Plymouth, Massachusetts
What does the president do on thanksgiving?
Pardon a turkey
Who was the Native American who helped the Pilgrims?
What parade is normally watched on thanksgiving?
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
What food was not served at the first Thanksgiving? A. Mashed potatoes B. Pumpkin C. Seafood
mashed potatoes
How many days did the first thanksgiving last?
What month do they have thanksgiving in Canada?
The year of the first Thanksgiving a. 1776 b. 1965 c. 1621
What is the day after thanksgiving called?
black friday
What was the ship the pilgrims sailed on?
The Mayflower
What sport is popular to watch at thanksgiving?
What dessert is most popular at thanksgiving?
pumpkin pie
What sauce is popular to eat at thanksgiving?
cranberry sauce
What is the most popular thanksgiving food?