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Institut JC

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence using the present simple form: Victor and I ______ (speak) English at home.
Count to 100 in fives.
Corrige las palaras mal escritas: concevir, vela, vrújula, búfalo, octavo, carnívoro, vudismo, distribuir.
Concebir, brújula, budismo.
GUESS THE SCENE: Act out a scene. Your partners must guess the scene within 1 minute.
You're such a star!
Correct the sentence: There is an apple on the table?
Is there an apple on the table?
Mention 6 countries in 20 seconds
Bright future ahead
Balance a book on your head for 30 seconds.
Quin és el pronom personal d'aquesta frase? My friend and I are neighbours.
Cuál es el femenino de yerno?
Quina etapa hi ha entre l'edat antiga i l'edat moderna?
L'edat mitja
Quants anys són un segle?
Quina és la capa més externa de la Terra?
Tell 10 words starting with vowels in 90 seconds.
Write the sentence in the 3d person: I usually go to the cinema on sundays.
He/ she usually goes to the cinema on sundays.
Calcula: 20-15+5 x (7+2 x 4)
Calcula mentalment: Un quiosc ha venut 745 diaris al matí i 546 a la tarda. Quants diaris ha venut al llarg del dia?
Decid el gerundio de "ganar"?
Quin és l'infinitiu de dormiria?
Digues 3 adjectius pel nom "arbre".
Quin nom té l'energia de l'aigua: hdràulica, eòlica o solar?
Do 20 burpees in 40 seconds!
So fit