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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is this Holiday? What is the season in Brazil?
It's in October / It's spring in October in Brazil
When is this Holiday? What is the season in Brazil?
It's in February / It's summer in February in Brazil
When is this Holiday? What is the season in Brazil?
It's in December / It's summer in December in Brazil.
When is this Holiday? What is the season in Brazil?
It's in April / It's autumn in April in Brazil.
What's the season in May in Argentina?
autumn / fall
What's the season in January in Canada?
What's the season in December in Brazil?
What's the season in April in Spain?
What's the season in September in South Africa?
What's the season in July in Russia?
What's your favorite season?
What is the position of the notebook?
The fourth (4th)
What is the position of the book?
The seventh (7th)
What is the position of the backpack?
The sixth (6th)
What is the first objects?
What is the 5th object?
What is the last month?
What is the 9th month of the year?
When is your birthday?
When is Halloween?
It's before the weekend and after Thursday. What is the day of the week?
When do you study English?
Tuesday and Thursday
Answer the question: Where is he from? __________________
He's from Japan
Answer the question: Where is this country? __________________
Portugal is in Europe / It's in Europe
Answer the question: Where is this country? __________________
Cuba is in Central America / It's in Central America
Answer the question: Where are you from? ________________
I'm from Australia
Make a question: ________________? They're American
Where are they from?
Make a question: ________________? She is Colombian
Where is she from?
Make a question: ________________? He's from Brazil
Where is he from?
Make a question: ________________? I'm from Argentina
Where are you from?