Edit Game
GE A1 Unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you got a phone? B: Yes, ................
I have
Has Anna got a garden? B: No, ......................
she hasn't
Are there any pictures in the house? B: Yes, ..............
there are
Is there a computer in John’s bedroom? B: No, .............
there isn't
A: Has Filipe got a brother? B: No, .............
he hasn't
There .................. a TV in my bedroom. A are B aren’t C isn’t
C isn't
There ................a swimming pool in our garden. A are B is C aren’t
B is
There ........... any computers in my house. A is B isn’t C aren’t
C aren't
There ........... some TVs in my house. A are B is C isn’t
A are
There ............ five people in my family. A is B are C isn’t
B are
The cat is ............... the other cat.
The cat is .............. the bag
The cat is .............. the bag.
in front of
The cat is .............. the chair.
next to
The cat is ............ the chair
The cat is ..... the chair.
I love my bedroom. I have a laptop / mirror to play games on. I have many floors / shelves above my bed, and I keep books on these.
laptop, shelves
There are two bedrooms in our house / car. I love my bedroom. I have lots of football posters / cushions on the wall.
house, football posters
There are two bedrooms in our house / car. I love my bedroom. I have lots of football (11) posters / cushions on the wall.
I always have a p _ _ _ _ when it is my birthday!
I haven’t got a k _ _ to the front door, but my parents have.
We haven’t got c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in my house, so we can always see out of the windows
I have got cinema t _ _ _ _ _ _ for my birthday!
I have lots of pictures on my w _ _ _.
We have got a big .............with trees and flowers.
My apartment has a small ...............where I can see the sea!
I wash and clean my teeth in the ...............
We cook food in the ...............
There are two bedrooms upstairs and the living room is ( na dole)