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M1. U9.4 Warmer

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fizz and Pop __________ __________ on Halloween. They __________ __________.
Fizz and Pop weren't pirates on Halloween. They were acrobats.
Ant and Dec __________ __________ on Halloween.
Ant and Dec were pirates on Halloween.
Jim and Mary __________ at the __________ last week. They __________ at the __________.
Jim and Mary weren't at the cinema last week. They were at the zoo.
Toshi and Jane __________ at the __________ last week.
Toshi and Jane were at the cinema last week.
Phil and Lil __________ __________ yesterday. They __________ __________.
Phil and Lil weren't scared yesterday. They were sad.
Tom and Max __________ __________ yesterday.
Tom and Max were scared yesterday.
Sophie __________ a __________ on Halloween. She __________ a __________.
Sophie wasn't a pirate on Halloween. She was a knight.
Jeremy __________ a __________ on Halloween.
Jeremy was a pirate on Halloween.
Daniel __________ at the __________ last week. He __________ at the __________ __________.
Daniel wasn't at the cinema last week. He was at the swimming pool.
Jasmin __________ at the __________ last week.
Jasmin was at the cinema last week.
Fred __________ __________ yesterday. He __________ __________.
Fred wasn't sad yesterday. He was happy.
Sarah __________ __________ yesterday.
Sarah was sad yesterday.
Frank __________ a __________ on Halloween. He __________ an __________.
Frank wasn't a magician on Halloween. He was an acrobat.
Amy __________ a __________ on Halloween.
Amy was a magician on Halloween.
Claire __________ at the __________ last week. She __________ at the __________.
Claire wasn't at the library last week. She was at the zoo.
Josh __________ at the __________ last week.
Josh was at the library last week.
Peppa __________ __________ yesterday. She __________ __________.
Peppa wasn't angry yesterday. She was scared.
Sammy __________ __________ yesterday.
Sammy was angry yesterday.