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The Cheesy Man Giant Ch.6

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What food do you think is the exact o_____ of Cheesy Man Dinner?
Why did the magic reverse for Mr. Johnson?
The magic was passed on to another peson, Matthew.
He walked back into the office and s____ the door behind him.
When Matthew wasn't the tallest basketball in the world, what could he do?
He had lots of free time to paly with his friends, his clothes all fit him, and epople didn't stare at him. And he had time to read to the elderly people at RRR
Why did Matthew want to reverse the magic?
It took up so much time being a super tall person.
How did Lima beans taste?
They are not salty, they're mushy, and they taste like cardboard.
What food did Matthew think was the exact opposite of Cheesy Man Dinner?
Matthew thought it was Lima beans.
What did Matthew have to do to reverse the magic?
He must eat nothiing other than lima beans for 27 days.
When Matthew visited Mr. Johnson, how was him?
He had shrunk. He was no longer a giant.
Did Matthew make muti- millions dollars?
No, he didn't. He felt sick when he tried to eat Cheesy Man Dinner.
What happened when Matthew had a giant bowl of steamy Cheesy Man Dinner in front of him?
His throat closed up and his somach churned. He started to feel dizzy.
Why did Mr. Cheeseman visit Matthew?
They want Matthew to be their new Cheesy Man athlete. To have him on television advertisements, and a few magazine photos.
What was he used to enjoy doing?
He enjoyed sitting and reading a book or watching television.
Why did Matthew hardly have any time for basketball?
He was busy with interviews, doing jobs for neighbors, and his homework.
How did people react when they saw Matthew?
They stopped and stared at him.
The f_____ week, I wanted to show Mr. Johnson that the spoon had worked, but I had no time.