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3rd Social - Ancient Greece

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"All polis had the same laws, army, and governors". This statement is TRUE or FALSE?
What was the Agora?
Was the public square where the market was located and political decisions were made.
Were the city- states dependent or independent cities?
They were independent cities
Why did the ancient Greeks prefer maritime roads over terrestrial roads for trading or commerce?
Because the mountainous terrain made the long journeys over land very difficult.
The proximity to the sea allowed the ancient Greeks to become expert s___________
The proximity to the sea allowed the ancient Greeks to develop the c______________
Name two products that were consumed by the ancient Greeks
grapes, wheat, seafood, fish, olives.
What was the Greek currency $$$??
Which characteristics of the options below correspond to the territory inhabited by the ancient Greeks? 1)Proximity to the sea - 2)Few mountains - 3)Small valleys - 4)Presence of jungles
1)Proximity to the sea - 3)Small valleys
What are the name of the 3 seas that surround the territory inhabited by the ancient Greeks?
Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea.
What is an Archipelago?
It's a group of islands in a large body of water
What is the meaning of "TRADE"?
Is the action of buying and selling goods and services.
Has the geographical area of the Greeks similiar or different characteristics to Chilean territory?
has similar characteristics
What are the 4 components of the geographic location of ancient Greece?
mountains, valleys, islands, and archipelagos.
For the Greeks, what is the most relevant consequence of the mountainous terrain and the lack of stable farmland?
The development of maritime trade.
What type of weather do the Greek civilization have?
Mediterranean landscape
In which climatic zone is Greece located ?
Temperate zone
In which continent did the Greek civilization originate?
In Europe
Where the Greek civilization emerged?
The Greek civilization emerged in the Balkan Peninsula