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The Ghost of Christmas Past

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the metaphor Dickens uses to describe the greed that changed Scrooge from a happy young man into a horrible old miser?
A growing tree
What was Scrooge doing while Marley died?
Why did Belle leave Scrooge?
He was becoming too obsessed with money
Who do we meet in the third memory?
Belle, Scrooge's fiancée
How does Scrooge feel after remembering how happy his first job was?
He regrets being mean to his clerk
How does Fezziwig use his money to make people happy?
He throws a Christmas party for everyone in town
While defending Fezziwig, what does Scrooge say is the true value of money?
Its ability to make other people happy
Give me an adjective to describe Fezziwig and explain why you have chosen it
What is the location of the second memory?
Fezziwig's shop
Who was stopping Scrooge from going home at Christmas?
His father
At school, Scrooge was "_________ by his friends"
Where is the location of the first memory?
Scrooge's school/hometown
Why does the ghost "fluctuate in its distinctness"?
Because it looks like lots of memories mixed together
Which two seasons are represented on the Ghost's clothes?
Winter and summer
The Ghost of Christmas Past looks like it is ____________ even when it is standing right beside you.
Far away