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The CheesyMan Giant _ Ch5.

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Could you get those badminton s_____ out of the rafters for me?
I was almost as tall as the top of the basektball b____.
I p_____ I was hopping on one leg.
The principal would make an a_____.
I arrived before the other boys and started d_____ the ball around the gym.
A pigeon's nest is blocking the c____.
I also became very popular around the n______.
Was Matthew happy being tall?
Yes, he was.
Why did Principal ask for help?
A pigeon's nest is blocking the chimney so the office is full of smoke. A kindergarten student is scared to come down from the top of the oak tree.
How did Coach think about the season?
He had a very good feeling about this season.
How did Matthew feel about basketball?
The baskeball felt like a ping-pong ball in his gaint hand.
How did Matthew new basketball sneakers look like?
They were red leather with shiny silver stripes down the sides.
Why did Mrs. Duncan call Matthew?
She asked him to cut the vinces that had grown over her attic widnow.
What size of Matthew's baskeball snakers is?
They were size 28.
How did people feel about Matthew's great height?
People were just as happy as He was about his great height.
How tall was Matthew? (Ch.5)
I was almost as tall as the top of basketball backboard.