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True or False: The Poles are cold because they are places very near to the Equator.
True or False: The temperature in places near the Equator is lower than in places further.
True or False : The Equator is the line that is half way between the North pole and the South Pole.
True or false : Latitude are imaginary lines on the map that separate the world in North and South.
Maya, you need to eat SPRING ONIONS/ GARLIC, is very good for your health!
Maya, you need to eat SPRING ONIONS, is very good for your health!
Do you like red SHRIMPS/ PEPPER? No, I like the yellow one!
Do you like red PEPPER? No, I like the yellow one!
You need OIL to make DUMPLINGS.
How many BEAN SPROUTS/ LIMES do you need to make a lemonade?!
How many LIMES do you need to make a lemonade?!
Marcos, do you like PEANUTS/ BROWN SUGAR ? I _____ _______ some to you! (future / to bring)
Marcos, do you like PEANUTS? I WILL BRING some to you!
I _____ ______ you SPRING ONIONS/ CHILLIES. It's very hot! (negative future / to give)
I WON'T GIVE you CHILLIES. It's very hot!
Hey Igor, Do you like to eat POTATO OMELETE/ CUCUMBER?
Hey Igor, Do you like to eat CUCUMBER?
Arthur, please stop! You always LOOK FOWARD TO/ MAKE UP scary stories!
Arthur, please stop! You always MAKE UP scary stories!
John, please LOOK AFTER/ PUT OUT the candle before you go to bed!
John, please PUT OUT the candle before you go to bed!
The workers have SET OFF/ PUT UP a new fence in my yard!
The workers have PUT UP a new fence in my yard!
I MAKE UP/GET ALONG WITH Amanda. She ____ ______ to my party next Saturday! (future/ To go)
I GET ALONG WITH Amanda. She WIL GO to my party next Saturday!
When you have a friend, sometimes you can RUN OUT OF/ FALL OUT WITH them, it's okay!
When you have a friend, sometimes you can FALL OUT WITH them, it's okay!
You ____ _____ to FALL OUT WITH/ GET OFF the bus at the next stop. (future/ to have)
You WILL HAVE to GET OFF the bus at the next stop.
We ______ _______ lunch for you. Do you like BEAN SPROUT / NOODLES? (future/ to cook)
We WILL COOK lunch for you. Do you like NOODLES?
We ______ _______ lunch for you. We need to buy chilies.(future/ to cook)
We WILL COOK lunch for you. We need to buy chilies
We are late !!! We need to GET ON/ PUT UP the bus and DO UP/ SET OFF the trip guys!
We are late !!! We need to GET ON the bus and SET OFF the trip guys!
I will LOOK AFTER/ SET OFF baby Ana tonight. She ____ _____ SHRIMPS/ PEPPER because she is allergic to it. (negative future/ to eat)
I will LOOK AFTER baby Ana tonight. She WON'T EAT SHRIMPS because she is allergic to it.
I LOOK FORWARD TO/ LOOK AFTER our trip to TAILAND. They have amazing FRIED RICE/ CUCUMBER there!
I LOOK FORWARD TO our trip to TAILAND. They have amazing FRIED RICE there!
I ____ ______ to buy GARLIC/ SPRING ONION tomorrow. We've RUN OUT OF/ GO OFF it. (future tense/ To need )
I WILL NEED to buy GARLIC tomorrow. We've RUN OUT OF it.
Joana need 500g/ whole each of brown sugar to make a cake.
Joana need 500g of brown sugar to make a cake.
Each/ 500g pepper was cleaned by me.
Each/ 500g pepper was cleaned by me.
A pack / bunch of spring onions were bought by Mario.
A bunch of spring onions were bought by Mario.
The noodle was cooked by Joana with a liter/a pack of olive oil.
The noodle was cooked by Joana with A LITER of olive oil.