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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did he fly a paper plane?
He flew a paper plane because...
When did he save money in a piggy bank?
He saved money in a piggy bank...
What time did she jump the rope?
She jumped the rope at...
When did they build sandcastles?
They built sandcastles...
When did he do cartwheels?
He did cartwheels...
Why did he read comic books?
He read comic books because...
When did he play with a slingshot?
He played with a slingshot...
Why did I wear my older brother clothes
I wore my older brother clothes because...
What time did they play with marbles?
They played with marbles at...
When did he solve a puzzle?
He solved a puzzle...
Why did she swing the hula hoop?
She swang the hula hoop because...
When did he play videogames?
He played videogames...
When did he lick lollipops?
He licked lollipops...
Why did she skateboard?
She skateboarded because...
When did they hide behind the tree?
They hid behind the tree...
What time did he draw?
He drew at...
When did he swing ?
He swang....
What time did she blow bubbles?
She blew bubbles at...
Why did she eat cotton candy?
She ate cotton candy because...
What time did he chew gum?
He chewed gum at...
Where did they play with cards?
They played with cards...
What time did she carry a blanket?
She carried a blanket at...
Why did he fly a kite?
He flew a kite because...
What time did he do tricks?
He did tricks at...
What time did he rollerblade?
He rollerbladed at...
When did he play with building blocks?
He played with building blocks...
What time did they ride the seesaw?
They rode the seesaw at...
When did he jump?
He jumped...
Why did she tickle a friend?
She tickled a friend because...
When did he dress like a super hero?
He dressed like a super hero...
What time did she slide?
She slid at...
Where did he jump in puddles?
He jumped in puddles...
Why did she fight with friends ?
She Fought with friends because...
When did he ride a tricycle?
He rode a tricycle...
What time did they play with dolls?
They played with dolls at...
Why did he play with disgusting animals?
He played with disgusting animals because...
When did he get hurt?
He got hurt...
When did she have a pet?
She had a pet...
What did they plant?
They planted...
Why did he climb a tree?
He climbed a tree because...