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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She's _______ her make up _____ (do) for her weeding this weekend
getting - done
The music was so loud I wasn't able to _______ my work _____ (do) because I had a migraine
get/have - done
My mum _________ her house ____________ (clean) once a week.
has / gets - cleaned
They love baking! They can ___ 1000 cupcakes ______ (bake) in one day!
get /have- baked
My car's a mess! I need to __________ it ____________ (clean).
get/have - cleaned
She ______ her wallet __________ (take) on the underground. I can't believe she's so unlucky! (Bad experience)
had - taken
I want to ________ my homework _________ (do) so I can relax
get/have - done
My dad _____ his car __________ (scratch) when parking in the street (Bad experience)
had - scratched
I need to ______ my eyes __________ (check) I can't see very well
get or have - checked
My sister ____ her bag __________ (steal) in the subway (Bad experience)
had - stolen
I've _______ my heart _________ (break) by my first boyfriend
gotten or had - broken
Did you _____ your hair ___________ (do)? It looks great!
get or have - done
*Complete the sentence* It's a good idea to (check / get / your teeth) every six months
get your teeth checked
*Complete the sentence* Do you know where I can (jacket / get / clean) ?
get my jacket cleaned
Last night, I ________ my hair __________ (cut)
had/got - cut
I ________ a new program ___________(install) on my computer
had/got - installed
Last month I _________ my old phone __________ (fix) so I could sell it
had/got - fixed
I'll _______ my computer __________ (check) for viruses
have/get - checked
We use ____________ + (object) + _____________ when we pay or ask someone to do something for us
have or get - past participle