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Adverbs and expressions of frequency

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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studies - every day - She - English
She studies English every day.
He - to - goes - often - the - doctor's
He often goes to the doctor's.
hairdresser's - hardly - goes - ever - He - to - the
He hardly ever goes to the hairdresser's.
twice a week - do - They - yoga
They do yoga twice a week.
late - She - for - class - sometimes - is
She is sometimes late for class.
often - He - his - homework - on the bus - does
He often does his homework on the bus.
eats - never - meat - She
She never eats meat.
a - hurry - He - always - is - in
He is always in a hurry.
once - a - week - meets - She - her - friends
She meets her friends once a week.
sometimes- They - the - cinema - go - to - on - Friday
They sometimes go to the cinema on Friday.
hours - He - sleeps- always - eight - for
He always sleeps for eight hours.
goes - every - day - She - to - the gym
She goes to the gym every day.