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Bamboozle CPE

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I realised that I was in a terrible position and I wasn't to blame for it. FAULT. Through ________ myself in a terrible position.
No fault of my own I found
I had to go to an expert and ask her to advise me. SEEK. I was forced ___________ expert.
to seek advice OR to go and seek advice from an
After announcing his resignation, he said that he had done nothing improper. DENY. After announcing his resignation, he went ______________ improper.
on to deny (that) he had done/doing/having done anything
I tried not to get involved in that situation. MIXED. I tried to avoid _____________ that situation.
getting/ becoming mixed up in
Diane finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. MIND. Diane finds that being _________ her work.
creative takes her mind off
Being inexperienced was a disadvantage to her when she applied for promotion. COUNTED. Her _________ when she applied for promotion.
lack of experience/inexperience counted against her
It is likely that she will get very angry when she finds out. LIABLE. She________ fit when she finds out.
Is liable to have a
There came a time when I completely ran out of patience. STAGE. I ___________ more patience left.
reached the/got to a/stage when/where I had no
He denied the accusation unconvincingly, which made me think he was guilty. LED. His _________believe that he was guilty.
unconvincing denial (of the accusation) led me to
The manager praised one particular player. SINGLED. One particular player _______ praise by the manager.
was singled out for
Once I made sure there was no reason to be afraid, I went ahead. FEAR. Having satisfied __________, I went ahead.
myself (that) there was nothing to fear/ there wasn't/ was not anything to fear/ I had nothing to fear
Dan definetly won't be able to afford a holiday this year. POSSIBILITY. There ________ to afford a holiday this year.
is no possibility of Dan being able