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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 sports
football - hockey - basketball - handball - cricket....
Name 5 means of transport
bicycle - truck - car - plane - ship - boat...
Name 5 parts of the house
living room - bedroom - garden - garage - kitchen...
Name 5 months of the year
January - February - March - April ....
Name 5 adjectives (not colors)
interesting - boring - cold - funny - happy - sad....
Name 5 American countries
Argentina - Brazil - Mexico - the USA - Jamaica....
Name 5 vegetables
tomato - potato - lettuce - onion - garlic ....
Name 5 fruits
banana - apple - orange - pineapple - watermelon - strawberries ....
Name 5 farm animals
chicken - duck - pig - horse - sheep ....
Name 5 wild animals
lion - tiger - elephant - snake....
Name 5 verbs
eat - drink - jump - fly - smile - play - watch - dance ...
Name 5 European countries
Spain - Portugal - Italy - France - Sweden - Switzerland - Greece .....
Name 5 drinks
soda - juice - water - beer - wine - gin - vodka - tekila ....
Name 5 colors
yellow - black - white - purple - orange - brown - blue - red - green - pink - gray