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Complete Advanced - UNIT 7

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the last month we have earned more than 2000 euros for charity - most of it from public donations.
Save time and money if you buy more than 200 euros.
You can rent all the books you need from the college library - at no cost.
I can borrow you some money, but please give it back tomorrow.
You can pay your ticket here on the bus.
buy / pay for
As you will be using your own car and staying in hotels. the company will afford all your expenses and spend you a daily meal allowance.
cover / pay
I'm sure you'll enjoy the job - and don't forget, you'll be gaining good money.
We couldn't afford a new car - I'm afraid it would BREAK THE SAVINGS / BANK.
It's the local council that has to decide whether to build a new school. It HOLD THE PURSE / WALLET STRINGS.
I've no idea where he gets it from, but Martin's been SPENDING MONEY LIKE AIR / WATER recently.
I always prefer to PAY MY OWN WAY / ROAD, so you pay your bill and I pay mine.
Hotels are always expensive but we had to PAY THROUGH THE HAND / NOSE for the room we wanted.
The shop wouldn't accept a cheque or a credit card. They insisted on HARD CASH / MONEY.
You need to be a bit more careful with your money. Money doesn't grow on TREES / BUSHES, you know.
They say the want to help the disable but they should put their money where their MOUTH / POCKET is.