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Review consonants B, R, S, T, M, N part 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is it a book?
Yes, it is.
Find the missing letter: bu_
letter Ss (bus)
Find the missing letter: _ed
letter Rr (red)
Find the missing letter: _tar
letter Ss (star)
Find the missing letter: _ine
letter Nn (nine)
Find the missing letter: _ilk
letter Mm (milk)
Find the missing letter: _ainbow
letter Rr (rainbow)
Find the missing letter: tu_
letter Bb (tub)
Find the missing letter: _iger
letter Tt (tiger)
N in 'can' is a beginning or ending sound?
N is an ending sound.
S in 'yes' is a beginning or ending sound?
S is an ending sound.
S in 'sun' is a beginning or ending sound?
S is a beginning sound.
R in 'hair' is a beginning or ending sound?
R is an ending sound.
N in 'net' is a beginning or ending sound?
N is a beginning sound.
B in 'web' is a beginning or ending sound?
B is an ending sound.
M in 'gum' is a beginning or ending sound?
M is an ending sound.
M in 'monkey' is a beginning or ending sound?
M is a beginning sound.
R in 'rabbit' is a beginning or ending sound?
R is an beginning sound.
B in 'rib' is a beginning or ending sound?
B is an ending sound.