Edit Game
Unit 4 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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RE-WRITE WITH "WOULD YOU MIND" > "Please cover my shift this Saturday."
Would you mind covering my shift this Saturday?
RE-WRITE WITH "WOULD YOU MIND" > "Please don't smoke here."
Would you mind not smoking here?
RE-WRITE WITH "WOULD YOU MIND" > "Can I sit here?"
Would you mind if I sat here?
Hi Mr. Smith. I know I usually work until 5pm, but I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. Would you mind...?
...if I left early / ...excusing me early
I'm sorry, but would you mind ______ personal calls in the office? They're very distracting.
not making
My laptop isn't working. Would you mind...?
...if I used yours? / ...lending me yours?
We hired Toni right away __________ her great attitude.    [because of, despite, to, because]
because of
_______ his excellent computer skills, Mark didn't get promoted because he's not a team player.    [because, due to, despite, although]
Tim took some evening classes _______ he could improve his skills.    [so that, because of, in order to, although]
so that
Val doesn't have a lot of experience, but ___________ her hard work and skills, she was eventually promoted.    [because, due to, despite, though]
due to
Ali had to visit human resources ____________ sign his paperwork.    [because of, since, in order to, so that]
in order to
Kim is moving up the career ladder quickly _______________ she always goes above and beyond!    [since, due to, though, in order to]
_________ I worked extra hard and showed initiative, I didn't get a promotion.    [despite, because, although, so that]