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Mix 3rd Grade/ Unit 0 to 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We need _____________ , for strong bones and teeth. (grains and tubers/ dairy food/ fruit and vegetables.)
We need dairy food , for strong bones and teeth.
For energy, we need to eat ___________. (grains and tubers/ dairy food/ fruits and vegetables)
For energy, we need to eat grains and tubers.
Proteins are good for __________. (energy/ strong muscles/ healthy body)
Proteins are good for strong muscles .
I have ___________ in the _________.
I have LUNCH in the AFTERNOON.
I have __________ in the evening.
I have DINNER in the evening.
When do you have breakfast?
I have breakfast in the MORNING.
Do lions live in water?
No, they don't.
Do lizards live in caves? Where do they live?
No, they don't. They live in deserts.
Do bats live in jungles? Where do they live?
No, they don't. They live in caves.
Do hippos live in water?
Yes, they do.
Can they use computers?
Yes, they can.
Can she drive a train?
Yes, she can.
Can he cook?
No, he can't.
What's his job?
He is an actor.
What's her job?
She is a nurse.
________ and _______ sports, it's important to warm up and stretch our bodies. (Before/ During/ After)
BEFORE and AFTER sports, it's important to warm and stretch up our bodies.
Soccer players wear shorts and T-shirts ________ the game to keep their bodies cool. (Before/ After/ During)
Soccer players wear shorts and T-shirts DURING the game to keep their bodies cool.
What is she doing?
She is sailing.
What is he doing?
He is playing basketball.
Does she like running?
No, she doesn't.
Does he like swimming?
Yes, he does.
He is ________. (clever/ friendly/ grumpy/ lazy)
He is lazy.
He is _________. (lazy/ funny/ helpful/ grumpy)
He is helpful.
She has ___________.
She has braids.
He has _________ and ___________. (Beard/ Glasses/ Earrings/ Freckles/ Bangs.)
He has beard and freckles.
She has _________ _______. (Beard/ Mustache/ Curly hair/ Straight hair/ bangs.)
She has curly hair.
Whose pens are these? These is Hugo's pens. / These are Hugo's pens.
These are Hugo's pens.
Whose book is this? This is Grandpa's book. / These are Grandpa's book.
This is Grandpa's book.