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Coin Toss

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you have to pay the fruit vendor with the 5 Rs coins you have; If you buy :1 apple - for Rs 15 and 2 bananas - for Rs Rs 25. How many Rs 5 Coins will you need ?
8 coins of Rs 5
You have to pay Rs 12 for the juice you bought. You have to pay with equal no of coins of Re 1 and Rs 2. How many coins each will you pay the juice seller ?
4 coins each Re 1 and rs 2
You bought a tie for your dad for Rs 100 . How many 5 Rs coin will you give the shopkeeper ?
20 coins of Rs 5
You bought a Scarf for your mom for Rs 100 . How many 10 Rs coin will you give the shopkeeper ?
10 coins of 10 Rs coin
How many coins of 2 Rs will you give the shopkeeper .? You bought : 1 Eraser - Rs 2 1 Gluestick - Rs 6
4 coins of Rs 2
Your younger sister bought 2 packs of cookies for Rs 14. How Many 2 Rs coin will you give the shopkeeper ?
7 coins of Rs 2
You buy 1 pencil of Rs 10 And one eraser of Rs 5 . How many 5 Rs Coin will you pay ?
3 coins of 5 Rs
How many coins of Rs 5 will be needed to pay the laundry bill of 25 Rs ?
5 coins of 5 Rs
How many coins of 1 Re will you need to pay the grocery bill of Rs 245 ?
245 coins of Re 1
How many 1 Re Coins , you will need to buy 5 pencils ? when 1 pencil cost 2 Rs
Rs 10 - 10 coins of 1 Re coins