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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is meeting his parents this weekend. (who)
Who is she meeting this weekend?
You are doing the laundry on Tuesday. (yes/no)
Are you doing the laundry on Tuesday?
You are buying gifts to your parents tomorrow night. (what)
What are you buying tomorrow night?
She is giving a party on Saturday. (yes/no)
Is she giving a party on Saturday?
We are eating breakfast together tomorrow morning. (yes/no)
Are we eating breakfast tomorrow morning?
He is writing a letter for his grandmother. (what)
What is he writing?
They are walking in the park at 9:00 am. (where)
Where are they walking?
I'm meeting my sister at the mall on Wednesday. (where)
Where am I meeting my sister on Wednesday?
At 7:00 pm, I'm cooking. (yes/no)
Am I cooking at 7pm?
The dog is swimming in the pool. (where)
Where is the dog swimming?
My father is riding a bike tomorrow. (who)
Who is riding a bike tomorrow?
You are helping your mother this afternoon. (who)
Who is helping yout mother this afternoon?
The bus is leaving in 10 minutes. (yes/no)
Is the bus leaving in 10 minutes?
Maria and Anna are sleeping. (who)
Who is sleeping?
He is listening to music. (what)
What is he listening?
He is exercising this week. (yes/no)
Is he exercising this week?
We are cleaning the house on Friday. (who)
Who is cleaning the house on Friday?
I am doing homework at the moment. (what)
What am I doing?
She is going home at 7:00 PM. (where)
Where is she going at 7:00 PM?
She is wearing a red coat. (yes/no)
Is she wearing a red coat?