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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'd rather he _____ me first. (ask)
had asked (we wanted to happen int he past)
I'd rather you _____ them our secret. (tell)
hadn't told (we wanted to happen in the past)
I would rather you _____ to work this weekend.
didn't have (we want someone to do in the present or future)
I wish she ____ me before (tell).
HAD TOLD (past regret)
If only I _____ more time. (have)
HAD (present regret)
I really think it's high time you _____ a decision. (take)
It's high time you ______ to the doctor. (go)
The company's mistake caused them a ______ loss. (substance)
He _______ stepped onto the frozen lake. (caution)
I gave them a hotel ______ and they seemed to enjoy their stay there. (recommend)
He wrapped his scarf _____ around his neck. (loose)
Why does she have to ________ everything and make such a big deal out of it? (drama)
Those high-heeled sandals are totally _________ for walking through the forest. (practice)
The first attempt resulted in ________ but the second time he succeeded. (fail)
Amanda took a different route to ______ the journey time. (short)
Tony thought the fee for _____ was too high. (admit)
The children were _______ on their mother. (rely)
Fred regretted speaking so rudely to Wilma. (wished)
Fred wished he had spoken more politely. / Fred wished he hadn't spoken so rudely to Wilma.
I never thought to check in the shed. (occurred)
It never occurred to me to check in the shed.
The tennis match was cancelled because of the heavy rain. (raining)
The tennis match was cancelled because it was raining heavily.
I couldn't vote because I wasn't in the country. (Had)
Had I been in the country, I would have been able to vote/would have voted/could have voted.
Jack became rich immediately after he started his business. (Hardly)
Hardly had Jack started his business before/when he became rich.
I expect he was very pleased with the result. (must)
He must have been very pleased with the result.
He doesn't travel much because he doesn't earn much money. (If)
If he earned more money he would travel more.
'I insist. I'll pay for the meal,' said Kate. (insisted)
Kate insisted on paying for the meal. / Kate insisted that she would pay for the meal.
I didn't understand the plot of the film until the end. (only)
Only at the end did I understand the plot.
Michael found the driving test very difficult to pass. (difficulty)
Michael had difficulty passing his driving test. / Michael passed his driving test with difficulty.
That was the hardest I have ever studied. (never)
I have never studied so hard.