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Past Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was he doing?
He was teaching.
What were they doing?
They were surfing.
What was he doing?
He was climbing a mountain.
A: were the students running outside the school yard at 7 a.m. this morning? B: Yes, ______
Yes, they were
A: Was Alice listening to the radio at 9 p.m. yesterday? B: No, ________
No, she wasn't
The teacher ______ (sleep), and the students ______ (laugh).
was sleeping - were laughing
James _____ (read) and Emily ________ (listen) to music.
was reading - was listening
Yesterday at 5 o'clock I ______ (eat).
was eating
your little sister / cry ?
Was your little sister crying?
the students / write / a test ?
Were the students writing a test?
Sue and Jane / sell / fruits
Were Sue and Jane selling fruits?
Brendan / drive / a lorry ?
Was Brendan driving a lorry?
Jane / tidy / her room?
Was Jane tidying her room?
their mother / not / cook / dinner
Their mother was not cooking dinner.
James and Phil / build / a tree house
James and Phil were building a tree house.
my parents / not / eating / at a restaurant
My parents were not eating at a restaurant.
Jenny / ride / a horse
Jenny was riding a horse.
Make a correct sentence: We / feed / the birds
We were feeding the birds.
At 1 a.m. Fred _______ still _________ (chat) with his friend on Facebook.
was - chatting
Hannah was annoyed because a man on the train ____________ (talk) loudly on his mobile.
was talking
Why _________ you and Zoe ___________ (argue)?
were - arguing
Sam and Ryan __________ (smile) and Nancy ____________ (take) a photo of them.
were smiling - was taking
Kate ___________ (lie) on the beach and Anna __________ (eat) an ice cream.
was lying - was eating
Harry ____________ (not listen) so he didn't know how to do the exercise.
wasn't listening