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Why does Birdperson and Tammy's wedding get de-railed?
Tammy reveals she is a deep cover agent for the galactic federation on a mission to arrest Birdperson and his friends
What is the name of the post-apocalyptic fantasy land that Jake and Finn live in?
The Land of Ooo
In Futurama, what pizza topping has become an extremely rare delicacy in the future due to alien's overconsuming the product when they discovered it?
Whose tagline is "screw you guys, I'm going home" ?
What does it mean when South Park characters are drawn this way?
It means they are Canadian
Who is the mother of Archer's child?
Lana Kane
Peggy Hill is a substitute high school teacher. What subject does she teach?
Where is the Council of Ricks located?
The Citadel
The creators of Bob's Burgers also released this TV show, centered around the struggles of single father Beef Tobin (voiced by Nick Offerman). What is the name of the show?
The Great North
In Bob's Burgers, how is the Belcher family acquainted with Mr. Fischoeder?
He's their land lord
What are the names of the Belcher children in Bob's Burgers?
Tina, Louis, and Gene
Where does Homer Simpson work?
At a nuclear power plant
How did Cleveland Brown meet his second wife, Donna?
They went to high school together
What is the name of the boy band that the two Belcher daughters are in love with in Bob's Burgers?
Boyz 4 Now
Before the CIA turned him into a fish, Klaus competed in what event at the Olympics?
What is the name of the bar that Peter Griffin drinks at with his friends?
The Drunken Clam
What lives in Chris Griffin's closet?
An evil monkey
Ernie the Chicken has reappeared numerous times over the years fighting Peter Griffin. What is the original reason for Peter's hatred towards Ernie?
Ernie gave him an expired coupon
Why did Rick turn himself into a pickle?
To avoid going to family therapy
Who is this?
Mr. Meseeks
What does Mr. Nimbus control?
The police
What kind of animal is Little King Trashmouth?
A raccoon