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7. Klasse Kapitel 6 Leseverständnis

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sie trinken Cola und das ist ungesund.
They drink cola and that is unhealthy.
Sie essen manchmal Kekse.
They sometimes eat biscuits.
Meine Freunde bringen den Geburtstagskuchen zur Party mit.
My friends are bringing the birthday cake to the party.
Mein Freund trinkt nie Kakao.
My friend never drinks cocoa/hot chocolate.
Obst ist gesund, aber ich esse nicht gern Obst.
Fruit is healthy, but I don't like eating fruit.
Ich esse gern Schokolade, aber ich bringe Obst mit.
I like to eat chocolate, but I'm bringing fruit (with me).
Ich esse gern Obst, aber ich bringe nie Obst zur Schule mit.
I like eating fruit, but I never bring fruit to school (with me).
Du bringst Kekse und Cola zur Party mit.
You are bringing biscuits and cola to the party.
Timo bringt den Geburtstagskuchen mit.
Timo is bringing the birthday cake.
I'm bringing cake (with me).
Ich bringe Kuchen mit.
I'm bringing apple juice (with me).
Ich bringe Apfelsaft mit.
Du trinkst gern Eistee, aber du trinkst nicht gern Kaffee.
You like drinking iced tea, but you don't like drinking coffee.
Ich esse gern Bananen, aber ich esse nicht gern Orangen.
I like eating bananas, but I don't like eating oranges.
She never eats chocolate bars.
Sie isst nie Schokoriegel.
Du isst selten Würste.
You rarely/seldom eat sausages.
Wir essen manchmal Kekse.
We sometimes eat biscuits/cookies.
I often eat lollies.
Ich esse oft Süßigkeiten.
Du isst immer Obst.
You always eat fruit.
My birthday is on the 1st February.
Ich habe am ersten Februar Geburtstag.
My birthday is on the 17th June.
Ich habe am siebzehnten Juni Geburtstag.
My birthday is on the 24th March.
Ich habe am vierundzwanzigsten März Geburtstag.