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Superminds 5 Unit 3 Rock and Roll

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time is it?
twenty to ten
What time is it?
7 o'clock
What time is it?
ten to eight
What time is it?
five past eleven
What time is it?
half past 5
What time is it?
quarter to two
What time is it?
quarter past one
What time is it?
25 past three
What time is it?
5 to nine
What time is it?
20 past 4
What time is it?
Ten past nine
What time is it?
A quarter to 7
What time is it?
Half past eleven
What time is it?
Twenty five to six
What was Elvis Presley's Nickname?
The King
When did Elvis Presley Die?
Who was the most popular singer in the USA in 1956?
Elvis Presley
a place where people stand to give a performance
an instrument that you hit with sticks to make music
drum kit
someone who dances on stage
Singers that stand in the back and help with the song
Backing singers
a guitar with only 4 strings and has a deep sound
bass guitar
A type of guitar that need electricity
electric guitar
people that like a certain thing or person
people that protect someone
A bright light on something or someone