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Halloween translations

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Sally, your brother ________________ (obiecuje, że nie zje) your pumpkin pie.
promises not to eat
Mum ________________ (nalegała, żebyśmy wycięli) a Jack-O'-Lantern.
insisted on carving/insisted that we carve
Sir, Lord Dracula ________________ (odmówił przyjścia na przyjęcie).
refused to come to the reception
________________ (Wierzy się, że) black cats bring bad luck.
It is believed that
________________ (Na Twoim miejscu), I wouldn't play with the cat. It's black!!!
If I were you
I hate bats as ________________ (majÄ… tendencjÄ™ do siadania) on my head!
they tend to sit
Before I visited Transylvania, ________________ (nigdy nie widziałem) such an impressive castle!
I had never seen
Have you heard? The witch ________________ (pokłóciła się z) the vampire last week. I think they broke up.
had an argument with/argued with
________________ (Kiedyś bałam się duchów) but I'm not anymore.
I used to be afraid/scared of ghosts
________________ (Nie mogę się przyzwyczaić do spędzania) time with this warewolf!
I can't get used to spending
________________ (Mimo bycia mumiÄ…), she's a nice and honest creature.
Despite being a mummy
You wouldn't have broken your leg ________________ (jeśli nie weszłabyś) that haunted house.
if you hadn't entered
________________ (Ani Lucy, ani Michael) believe in ghosts.
Neither Lucy nor Michael