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Fossil Fuels

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fossil fuels are environmentally friendly. True or False?
Fossil fuels are used to make electricity. True or False?
Fossil fuels are created when animal and plant matter is buried and compressed. True or False?
Fossil fuels are expensive to turn into energy. True or False?
Fossil fuels are a renewable energy source. True or False?
Carbon dioxide traps heat from the Sun in the atmosphere which is oneof the causes of
global warming
Burning fossil fuels creates
carbon dioxide
We are running out of fossil fuels because they are
In a power station, when the turbine turns the generator, kinetic energy is converted into
electical energy
Fossil fuels are used in power stations to generate
Name three thypes of fossil fuels.
oil, coal, gas
Fossil fuels are formed over time under great
pressure and temperature
Tiny sea animals and plants form
oil and gas
Dead trees and plants form
What are fossil fuels formed from?
Dead animals and plants