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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does the Zebra fall down?
No, he doesn't
Does she like bananas?
No, she doesn't!
Does he like peas?
Yes, he does!
Does the dog like pizza?
Yes, he does!
Does the cat like the lizard?
Yes, it does!
Do you like pizza?
Yes, I do or no I don't.
Do / does she have long hair?
Yes, she does have long hair.
Do/does he work hard?
Yes, he does work hard.
Do/does they like christmas?
Yes, they do like christmas.
Does the moon have glasses?
No, it doesn't.
Does the sun have sunglasses?
Yes, it does.
Does the puppy want to sleep?
Yes, it does.
Does the boy like cake?
No, he doesn't like cake.
Does he dance well?
No, he doesn't dance well.
Does it eat pizza?
No, it doesn't. It eats trees.
Does the lion like sleeping?
Yes, she does like sleeping.
Does the baby like swimming?
Yes, it does like swimming.
Does the cheetah run fast?
Yes, it does run fast.
Does the giraffe eat leaves?
Yes, it does. It eats leaves.