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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who's class do you have next?
When is the Holiday party?
December 7th
Review from last class: What does CAL mean?
Review from last class with me: What does this mean $ ?
Dollar sign
What did we talk about during the last class with me?
Menu math
Which menu did we go over last class?
What are we learning about today?
If you have a lot of recipes and put them all together, what kind of book could you make?
Cook book
What it is called when the recipe gives you a certain amount of minutes to cook
Cook time
What is this? Hint: you use these to measure flour
Measuring cup
What are these? Hint: you use these to measure salt
measuring spoons
What is the part of the recipe that tells you how much you will make? Hint: if it is biscuits, it will be 12 biscuits.
yield or serving size
What part of the recipe is the step-by-step instructions needed to follow to produce the recipe?
If the recipe tells you to pre-heat at 350 degrees, which appliance will you be using?
Chocolate Chip Cookies is an example of this part of a recipe
The name of the recipe
The list of different things needed to complete the recipe is this part of the recipe. Hint: flour, salt, sugar are some  examples