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Fifth Teens: Revision after winter break

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 computer items.
Name 3 irregular verbs and their past forms.
How old was Jade Hameister when she became the youngest person to ski to the Norh Pole?
What is the past of BUY?
Compare your city with another one. Make 3 sentences.
What is the comparative form of GOOD?
Name 3 things you remember about Ernest Shackleton.
Name 3 things you remember about the story "School Detectives"
What did you do yesterday? Name 3 things
Have you got a pet? Describe it with 3 sentences.
Name 3 things you do in the morning.
What is the SUPERLATIVE of bad?
the worst
What was the most interesting thing you did during winter break?
Make a comparative sentence: dogs / cats
EXAMPLE: Cats are cleaner than dogs.
What was the name of Jack Cousteau's ship?
What did Jack Cousteau do?
He explored sea life.
What did Ernest Shackleton want to do?
He wanted to cross Antarctica.
What was Kim's cat's name? (School Detectives)
Who were the School Detectives?
Kim and Tony
What is the past of CATCH?