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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How on earth are we going to MODIFY / SHIFT / VARY public opinion so our opponents support our plans?
Your essay is mostly fine but there's a few places where I think you should ALTER / CONVERT / TRANSFORM the language slightly.
The book has been ADAPTED / TRANSFERRED / ADJUSTED into a script for a Hollywood movie.
When we speak at home we often ALTER / AMMEND / SWITCH between our two languages, sometimes in the middle of a sentence!
It's the same old car I've just ADJUSTED / MODIFIED / VARIED it by installing a more powerful engine and painting it red.
Can you ADJUST / CONVERT / TRANSFER the air conditioning? It's a bit too cold in here.
I spelt my name wrong on the form. Is there a way for me to AMEND / SHIFT / TRANSFORM my application.
The new park has totally ALTERED / SWITCHED / TRANSFORMED this area. It used to be run-down, but now it's lovely.
The tickets were originally booked in my name but we managed to ADAPT / ADJUST / TRANSFER them to Steve's name.
In a presentation don't use the same flat intonation all the time. SHIFT / SWITCH / VARY your voice a bit.
The building used to be a factory but it's been AMENDED / CONVERTED / MODIFIED into luxury flats.
Having a new baby has brought about ______ changes in our lifestyle- we're exhausted now!
dramatic / sudden / considerable
So you're a big fan of social media now? You've changed your ____! You used to say it was a waste of time!
I find the pace of ________ change in my country too slow sometimes.
social / political / economic
We were losing 11-0 but then the other team's best player changed _____ to play with us so the teams were more balanced.
Our new boss spent his first month making ________changes to all the company policies. It was a nightmare!
My driving lessons are going well but I find it difficult to change _____.
He was a lazy child and he's still lazy. I don't think he's ever going to change his _____.
Whenever I talk about me, you change the _____ to talk about yourself again!
Your life seems better than mine, I'd change ______ with you anyday.
I usually have to cook dinner so it makes a _______ change to be cooked for.
pleasant / refreshing / welcome