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After the turning point of her life, what did she become?
A UNICEF goodwill Ambassador.
What did Unicef do thanks to her fame?
UNICEF collected more money than ever before.
Where did she go in the autumn of 1987?
She went to an international music festival in Macau.
She was very popular ____________ her hit movies, such as Roman Holiday. 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 표현 2가지
due to , owing to , thanks to , because of, according to
그녀가 자랐을 때, Hepburn became a 미모의 상징
When she grew up, Hepburn became a symbol of beauty.
What did the girl become later?
a worldwide moviestar
How did Audrey Hepburn survive from the war? (교과서에서 답이 될 문장을 찾아 읽으시오)
Luckily, the girl survived, thanks to the help of others.
2차 세계 대전동안, a little girl and her mother were hungry and sick.
During World War 2
Read On 9번 문제. ever before.의 뜻은? (cf.Thanks to her fame, UNICEF collected more money than ever before.)
그 어느때보다도
Read On 8번 문제. The little black dress which she wore in a movie famous even today/ 를 두 문장으로 나누면?
1. The litte black dress is famous even today. 2. She wore the little black dress in a movie.
Read On 7번 문제. Why did Hepburn become a Unicef Goodwill Ambassador?
Hepburn realized that her fame could help others.