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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone throws a textbook across the room at the whiteboard
The door slams really loudly
I really like my friends laptop so I touch it
Depends if you ask first
My friend makes a joke when we're working together, we laugh and then continue working
The teacher makes a joke and I think it's really funny so I laugh with my friends
Expected (teachers can be funny sometimes)
I am really proud of my work so I put my hand up to show my teacher
I don't understand the homework so I ask my friend for some help
Someone in my group has a different opinion and I don't like it so I sing whenever they talk
My teacher has a tooth ache and is talking funny so I copy her to make my friends laugh during the lesson
I have a question so I raise my hand and wait for the teacher to ask me
Expected (or I can ask another member of staff in my lesson)
I am feeling frustrated so I ask for a break or to use one of my zone tools
Expected, it's okay to ask for help when you feel angry, frustrated or upset
I am feeling angry so I throw my fidget toy across the room
Unexpected, fidget tools are there to help us
The teacher says something I don't like so I say something sarcastic
My teacher is giving out raffle tickets if you answer a question, so I try to answer a question
Expected (but it's okay if I don't know the answer too)
I am put in a group with someone I don't like, so I refuse to do any work
My friend is playing football in our maths lesson
Unexpected (unless the teacher has told us to)
A teacher asks me to focus in class, so I stop talking and listen to the teacher