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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friend lost her favourite toy. She is very _____________ Do talk to her to make her feel better.
1) you can play with my toy, i have a similar one 2) Let's find your toy 3) It's okay, you and I can always go down to the swings; it makes you feel better
Your brother has his first school picnic. He feels _____________ He comes to you for advice , what would you say ?
1) Its all fun , enjoy 2) Be with your group , dont go on your own ; rest is fun 3) Be responsible , listen to your teachers and enjoy
Your friend got good marks in her test. She feels ______________ What would you say to her ?
1) I am happy for you 2) congratulations 3) We both got great marks , let's have a dance party
you have no one to play with at home. you feel ________________ What will you do ?
1) i will ask my parents if they could spare some time 2)i will read a story book / draw / play with my toys/ make something alone 3) i will watch TV
My younger sibling wanted to go to her favourite park. But due to Covid 19 , we could not take her there . Explain her/him the situation.
1) its for your safety 2) we will go there later 3) lets play a fun game at home today
Your mom scolds you for a mistake you did not do but your brother did. you feel __________________ How would you react ? and what would you change to not react a certain way ?
1) i would ask my mom to talk to my brother or vice- versa 2) i would explain her the situation 3) i would forgive her for her mistake
Your mom takes you out to your favourite amusement park. You feel ______________ Express how you feel ? Why ?
1) i feel happy and excited thinking of the rides 2) " " as i get to spend time with you 3) " " as i love specific ride/ food from there
Your friend is _____________ of spiders . He saw a spider on the wall and is _____________ How will you help him ?
1) i will brush the spider away 2) i will hold his hand and say its okay 3) i will tell him that spiders are very small and you need not be afraid
Your friend feels ____________ as you do not share your toys with him What will you do to make him feel better ?
1) i will apologize and share my toys 2) i will make him understand why i couldnt share my toys 3) i will not play with the toys i cannot share in front him
It is your younger sister's first haircut , she feels ____________________ What will you advice her ?
1) haircuts are quick and it doesn't hurt 3) the salon is a good place , they always give me a candy 4) haircut makes you look good