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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What caused the fire?
The fire by the tree.
True or False: Wrenches are tools used by arson investigators.
True or False: Lightbulb filaments are used when collecting arson.
True or false: If the fire was extinguished before the fire destroyed evidence, fingerprints and other clues could remain.
What is Arson?
Arson is the crime of intentional fire starting, usually involving some sort of chemical to make the fire bigger or spread faster. 
True or False: Many people who are in arson ivestigative squads get a degree in chemistry or acting.
Name three ways  arson can be indicated by.
Any on slide 6 work (not enough space to list them all here)
At which gas station was there a fire?(20seconds)
#2 (there was gas dripping on the floor by a cigarette)
True or False: A broom, bucket, and bark hack are all used by arson investigators.
False (A bark hack is used to remove pine tree bark)
Finish the sentence: To figure out what caused the fire investigators look at odor, ____ color, smoke _____.
Fire, Color
Usually arson evidence is collected in ____, clean metal cans.
Airtight metal cans.
True or false: Some fire departments have an arson squad who investigate suspicious fires.
The fire was caused by:(20seconds)
A cigarette
What caused the fire?(20seconds)
The stove which was left on.
How did the fire start?(20seconds)
The plugged in hair straightener.
What caused the fire? (20seconds)
The candle by the bed.