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British Geography and Culture

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the capital of Northern Ireland?
What's the capital of the Republic of Ireland?
What's the Beatles' home city?
Which is the second-largest city in the UK?
Which people first inhabited the British Isles about 1000 BC?
the Celts
Where was the legendary Robin Hood rumoured to reside?
Sherwood Forest
Who became the first Norman king of England in 1066?
William the Conqueror
What's the name of the Scottish national dish made with sheep's organs?
Where can you see the famous Crown Jewels of the Royal Family?
Tower of London
What's the capital of Wales?
Which London train station lends its name to the beloved literary character of a bear in a duffel coat?
Who created the characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Which famous fictional agent was created by British writer Ian Fleming?
James Bond
What do Londoners call their underground train system?
the Tube
Where does the British parliament gather?
Palace of Westminster
Who is the reigning monarch of the UK?
King Charles III.
What's the name of the UK flag?
Union Flag
What is the capital of the UK?
Which languages are spoken in Ireland?
English and Gaelic (Irish)
How many parts does the United Kingdom consist of?